Experience of HR & OD Professionals from BAME Communities in the NHS
Synergised Solutions were commissioned to undertake a research project on the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) NHS HR & OD professionals with regard to their personal/professional development and career progression opportunities.
The impetus for this work is borne out of conversations with BAME HR & OD professionals, many of whom talked of negative, demoralising and upsetting experiences with regards to the attitudes and behaviours of some of their colleagues and broader contacts within the NHS.
Whilst these experiences were wide ranging a common theme emerged around unfairness in access to opportunities for personal/professional development and career progression. A small group of senior BAME HR & OD professionals worked with the HPMA London Academy to commission research in order to gain a more in depth understanding of the lived experience of BAME workforce professionals with regard to these key issues. The aim of this was to determine the action required to address such experiences of inequality. Through the research we aimed to broaden this conversation across the whole of the HPMA London Academy HR & OD professional community and in doing so gain a clearer understanding of individual experiences as well as feedback on ideas for further action.
To read our Final Report – Click Here
To listen to a testimonial from one of the Stakeholders - Click Here